Doga is a fictional character, an Indian comic book superhero character appearing in Raj Comics, published and distributed across India. Created by Tarun kumar Wahi, Sanjay Gupta & artist Manu in the November 1992, Doga is the first and as yet the only antihero character in Raj Comics. The character first appeared in the issue Curfew.
Suraj was an orphan who was found as an infant in a rubbish dump by Daku Halkan Singh, a ruthless Dacoit, who used him as protection against a police raid to save himself, but treated him like a dog (and called him that (kutte). While in Halkan's care, the child witnessed endless horrors that would ultimately lead to his becoming a sociopath.
Eventually he escaped Halkan's den with a kidnapped girl Sonu. Suraj's life took a turn for the better when he met Adrak Chacha (Hindi word for paternal uncle) and his brothers. Initially he used to practice in his gym hiding from others. Seeing his devotion, Adrak allowed the child to make use of his gym (Lion Gym) for weightlifting helping him to build his muscle mass. He was also given training in martial arts under Haldi Khan (one of Adrak's brothers), boxing under Dhania Khan, marksmanship and Fighter Pilot under Kalimirchi Khan (the youngest brother).
Suraj became Doga because of a personal tragedy that befell his "family" sometime later. A former member of the gym, Killota, set up his own place, and tried to eliminate his rivals permanently. Suraj was the only survivor of a carnage perpetrated by hired goons.
To seek revenge, Suraj adopted the alter ego of Doga, wearing a dog mask to hide his identity. He killed Killota's gang and further set out to become a one-man army against organized crime, mainly in Mumbai.
Vital Statistics:
- Height - 6'5 (195 cm)
- Weight - 94 kg (209 lbs)
- Love Interest - Monika/Lomdi
- Abilities & Strengths:
- Extraordinary Physical Strength and Endurance,
- Expert in Martial Arts,
- Ability to dodge bullets (Black pepper art),
- Expert Shooter, has a lot of weapons in his arsenal,
- Can communicate with dogs and order them,
- Has quick reflexes and a clever mind which enables him to negotiate threat from his enemies as well as to avoid being caught by the police.
- His physical prowess is a result of extremely rigorous workouts in gym, unlike other super-heroes who have special superpowers
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